Terri was the captain of her college football cheerleaders. Some of the boys who’d tried unsuccessfully to get into her pants referred to her as a “queer-leader”. But it’s quite typical of guys to accuse a chick of being a lesbian, If she won’t do them a sexual favour or two… The truth was, that Terri’s pussy was always open to the right kind of man. She was just choosy about who she went to bed with. Luckily, there was always someone in her life, who lived up to her “sexpectations” Like her latest flame Jerome…

He was a little older than the college types she was used to seeing, and a lot more “sexperienced” Jerome was quite wild about his new girlfriend, and he used any excuse to drop in at her little apartment near the college campus… Terri didn’t mind his unexpected visits. In the short time she’d known Jerome, she’d become addicted to his big dick

She had also become addicted to Jerome’s way of licking her pussy and clit. He’d learned his technique from a Paris street walker, when he was “bumming” around Europe, and had become an expert “cunnilinguist” Expert enough to have Terri begging him to fuck her after a couple minutes of pussy licking… She loved riding on his fat erection, and the fact that he gave her all the time she needed, unlike so many guys of her own age, who simply wanted to whip it in her pussy, wiggle it about, whip it out again and wipe it.

It was divine being able to take things at her own tempo. And whilst she rode, she liked to tickle her clit like a naughty brat, which always brought her to a wonderful climax… Being a good, generous lover, Jerome could be relied upon to give his teen sex girlfriend more than just one orgasm when he dropped in…

Having satiated her, Jerome was ready to let her try something new he’d taught her: eating his sperm. Terri may have been cool, but it only took the right guy to light her fire!